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FEATI University has once again successfully conducted the annual Science and Technology Exposition. First launched in 2003, the University conceived this event as a showcase for the S&T projects of high school and undergraduate students. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) was invited as a partner-exhibitor at the first S&T Expo and has since become a valuable partner of this yearly activity. DOST agencies have participated yearly by putting their exhibits side-by-side with the students' research projects. The last two Expo's have focused on the process of making inventions and scientific innovations commercially viable.

With the theme, "Fostering Innovation," the three-day S&T event held from February 17-19, 2011 at the University's activity center featured projects of FEATI University students as well as research projects of students from guest high schools. Seminars, open house presentations, and on-the-spot art competitions were also held. Fun computer-based games were conducted courtesy of FEATI University's IT Department.
Opening the event was a keynote address delivered by Hon. Mario G. Montejo, Secretary of the DOST, who emphasized that even in solving large problems at the national level relatively modest scientific innovations can have significant positive effects. Secretary Montejo also mentioned that DOST has a great appreciation for the continuing efforts of FEATI University in promoting science and technology through research projects.

The keynote address was followed by the ribbon cutting ceremony that opened the exhibits for viewing by the guests and students. Secretary Montejo toured the exhibits and personally visited the various research projects.

One of the most exciting competitions happening every year at the S&T Expo is the quest for the Zara Cup, an award given by FEATI University for the best project at the college level. The Zara Cup is named in honor of Dr. Gregorio Y. Zara, the first Dean of Engineering of FEATI University, who eventually retired as Vice President of the University. Dr. Zara is known for his work leading to the first alcohol-powered aircraft engine in 1954 and the "TV-phone" in 1956, among others. The TV-phone was in fact demonstrated to President Ramon Magsaysay at the Malacañang Palace. Only the best and the most innovative science and technology project gets this coveted prize.

The 2011 Zara Cup went to the FEATI University Geodetic Engineering Department whose constituents enthusiastically celebrated the return of the prized rotating Cup to their department. Geodetic Engineering 5th-year students also claimed 2nd place in the college research competition. The best high school project was won by V. Mapa High School.

The latest efforts in the promotion of S&T were also highlighted at the event. The results so far obtained by the University Belt Consortium in the second phase of the DOST-funded Pasig River Rehabilitation Program and the Carlos Palanca Street Urban Renewal Project were exhibited. (AMD)



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