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Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, President of FEATI University will be inducted as Fellow of the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology, (AAET) on November 30, 2007 during the AAET General Assembly Meeting at the Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City.
In the morning of the same day is the “Seminar on the ASEAN Perspective on Human Resource Capability Building in Engineering”, sponsored by the AAET and the Philippine Technological Council (PTC), to be attended by fellows and officers of the AAET, members and officers of PTC and members of other national associations of engineers.

The panel of speakers includes Prof. S. Ramakrishna, Dean of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Dr. K.S. Lockk, Founding Fellow and Vice President of AAET, Prof. P.A. Neow, Founding Fellow of AAET, Engr. Lilavivat, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Thailand, Dr. P.D. Kim, Korean Professional Engineer and President of Environmental Media Engineering and Dr. R. Hancock, Past President of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia.

In the afternoon, after the General Assembly in which Dr. Gopez will be inducted as AAET fellow is a workshop wherein the resource persons are Engr. Ramon I. Castillo, President of Innovatronix, Inc., Dr. Ather N. Sajid, Special Adviser for ODA, Privatization Affairs of the Department of Energy and Dr. Ceferino L. Follosco, AAET Founding Fellow, Chairman and CEO of Alfa Machineries, former Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology and also an Outstanding Alumnus of FEATI University.  Dr. Follosco finished his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Master of Science in Management Engineering in FEATI University.

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